Tuesday 26 January 2010

Another year older tomorrow!

I booked my birthday off tomorrow to go birding, but since Saturday evening I have had a stinking, horrible cold, cough and feel really rough!

Not sure where to go tomorrow yet, but have to stop off at Docking garage first to get my CD player fixed and interior lighting not working on my Hyundai - will have to sit there while its being done - hope it doesn't take too long.

Unfortunately there is no dark, handsome stranger to do lunch with or to wine and dine me in the evening..... hey ho.....!!!!!!! Plan B: Birding alone, hopefully bump into some fellow birders throughout the day and have lunch out somewhere by myself (sad face!) - I am most definately not doing sandwiches for tomorrow! Hopefully the sun will shine!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Penny. forget the diet for today, and to all you handsome dark men, get out there and do lunch with Penny! Well, maybe not all at once.....best wishes, Sue G
