Saturday 9 January 2010

Garden Birding and Shopping!!!

Collared Dove

Collared Dove

Robin on my bird table enjoying a feast!

Robin on my bird table

My garden this morning

My bird table was made locally - it is extremely well made, better than anything you can find in the shops. There is usually a sign out advertising them on the main road at Brancaster
(just before you leave the village on right hand side heading towards Brancaster Staithe).
Get in that shed Paul, you're going to have a queue now!!! oh and 25% commission?!!!

More snow this morning when I drew back the curtains - enough to tell me that I wouldn't be taking the car out and going birding! Pulled the duvet back and sulked...... snoozed, slept..... woke up again at 11am!!! Lazily got up and went downstairs and went outside in pyjamas (mad!) to knock out the ice from bird baths and refill and top up the bird food etc. A robin (see pics above) immediately appeared, obviously hungry poor thing. Showered, came back down and sat lazily eating crumpets with marmalade and porridge whilst watching the birds. The robin would not let a hedge sparrow settle at all - every time the hedge sparrow landed to feed, the robin aggressively chased it away. Couple of collared doves sitting on my trellis work and could hear a fieldfare 'chacking' away also a couple of blackbirds appeared in the garden to feed, but didn't see anything else - normally see blue and great tits, but none today!

Left the house around lunchtime in my army attire - including *shemagh (got some funny looks from people walking through town, but didn't care!) and walked to visit my sister Lucy for a short time and then continued into Lynn town centre to go to 'Hoopers' (army shop - see yesterday's post) - they did have the parka coat that I wanted, a M65 Fishtail Parka, BUT they only had one left, a medium and it was MASSIVE on me, so have ordered a small one and should arrive in a week's time. Bought some thermal clothes - the owner remembered me from the last time I came in - 'I was going to Fair Isle' .... that was 2006!!! obviously a good memory for faces! Bought some bird seed from Wilkinsons and got a new camera bag from Jessops and then walked home. Watched 'So You Think You Can Dance' on BBC1.

Last night while googling parka coats etc I came across a video that showed you had to wrap a *Shemagh: - took a bit of practising, but now I have mastered it perfectly!

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