Friday 1 January 2010

New Year's Day Birding and my first blog post!!!

Not taken today! - Me on Blakeney Point.

Cute snowy Robin!
Lazy Morning!

After going to bed just after midnight I had no intention of getting up early this morning and woke up incredibly late for me at 10am - swished the curtains open to see how sunny it was and everything was stark white AGAIN!!! Not MORE snow!!!!!!!!!! Yep and alot of snow - I swished the curtain back and got back in bed - finally decided to get my lazy self out at 11.30am - had new year's day brunch whilst Sapphire (my posh persian cat!) and I watched the comings and goings from the bird table: Robin, woodpigeon, collared dove, hedge sparrow, blackbird, starling and a black headed gull flying over.

After listing all last year (260 for Norfolk - see surfbirds county list No. 3!) I didn't even intend on doing a New Year's Day List which I have done for the last few years BUT:

Flitcham Abbey Farm arriving at 2.15pm!

Had an amazing selection of birds here in a short space of time:

Redwings, fieldfares, mallard, teal, gadwall, egyptian goose x 2, moorhen, coot, jackdaw, rook, song thrush, mistle thrush, grey partridge x 11!!!!, red leg partridge, 2 common buzzards sitting in the hedge at the far back fields, common pheasant, magpie, greylag goose, pink footed goose, blue tit, great tit, curlew, greenfinch, goldfinches, house sparrow. Just missed out on a bullfinch as I came into the hide! No sign of the little owls or kingfishers.

Roads VERY icy between here and Choosely!!!

Choosely Drying Barns

Carrion Crow, Kestrel

Holme Marsh Reserve

Woodcock, tufted duck, water rail and VERY excitingly a Little Owl flew across in the very semi dusk at just before 4.30pm from the first hide.

38 species in just over 2 hours! Wish I had started earlier in the day now!

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