Saturday 6 March 2010

Sapphire ill

On returning home from work on Thursday I discovered Sapphire (my cat) was most definately not her normal self: listless, disinterested etc -took her to vets and an anti biotic injection was given in hope that it was just a water infection and to bring her back if still not well in 24 hours. I was very upset as I love my cat VERY much and yes she is getting old (she will be 14 in July) but I adore her and she is my only companion at home - lost my dear Tiger (also a Persian) 3 years ago which devastated me and it will be hell to have to go through it all again. Sapphire will be my last cat as I can't take the emotion of losing them.

Anyway I was massively relieved to see that Sapphire seemed her old self the next day!

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