Friday 2 April 2010

Holme Marsh Reserve and footpath north

Didn't have much time this morning, but managed to get a bit of birding in!

Didn't look for your Bluethroat Connor!!!!!

Swallow sitting on the wire in Holme village before visiting parents. Father still walking with frame and not very well.

Parked car by the gate for the 3 hides and walked north along the public footpath. Found a headless mallard on the path! Couple of Chiffchaffs singing and a Sparrowhawk errupted from the willows on the west side of the track. Several greylags on the marsh and on the way back a stoat crossed the path. At least a 100 woodpigeons in the field by the church and a couple of red leg partridges - oh and a Green Woodpecker called.

Following the path to the first hide I saw two song thrushes, another Chiffchaff and a wren. From the first hide I had extremely close views of a female Marsh Harrier which scattered 300+ Woodpigeons from the the marsh! Few tufted duck and good number of coot and a pair of Canada Geese in the centre island.

Nothing too special, but nice to escape for a while before work this afternoon!

Typing this at work in my break.

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