Monday 3 May 2010

Lazy Day

I usually work on Sunday but I decided not to book any shifts this weekend so I could have the entire week off. Had a wonderful lay-in and was just about to get up when my computer friend Kris phoned....... 'can I pick up the Mac this morning please?' - 'YES' I replied ....anyway hopefully after giving Kris a list of all the things that are not working on it, I may (note I say may) get my mac back in full working order, which also means I will be able to post pictures to my blog again!!!!!!!!!!

While Kris was here he managed to add my pipex email account to my iPhone which staff at Vodaphone were unable to do or pipex when I phoned their helpline! I then opened an account on iTunes and downloaded several 'Apps' from the apple store - I also ended up buying
'The Birds of Britain & Ireland (iPhone and iPod touch edition) © BirdGuides Ltd 2010' which is brilliant - a field guide on my iPhone!!!! With songs/calls aswell!

Freezing cold and strong north winds today. I didn't even venture out of the house!

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