Saturday 19 June 2010

Seriously cold day was brightened by Pink Flamingoes!

Wonderful views of the two Chilean Flamingoes at Cley today along with 8 Spoonbills on Pat's Pool - best thing on offer! 7 of the spoonbills flew off high south, battling their way in the strong northerly wind. Bumped into Dave Appleton on route.

Went to Cley NWT visitor centre to share a cheese scone with Mark and coffee. Bumped into Eddie Myers, Justin L. and Andy W.

Went to Cleyspy to look at digital cameras etc and buy a Father's Day card. They have a fantastic new piece of kit in the shop - a Panasonic Lumix 12mp camera for digiscoping with the Opticron scope, BUT it also fits brilliantly onto the Nikon ED50!!!! It was so simple, it was awesome! Simple bracket that screws onto the camera in seconds - hold over eye piece - screw tight - done! No messing about! The images were brilliant through the 13-40x eye piece and stunning through the 20x! Whole kit £265.

Looked in the galleries in Cley at beautiful paintings and sculptures that one could not possibly afford to buy!

Back to visitor centre with Mark for jacket potato lunch and pot of tea.

Drove to Coastguards and walked to North Hide where we saw a Little Stint and 3 Spotted Redshanks from North Hide along with usual avocets, ringed plovers, little, sandwich and common terns, marsh harriers and also 3 Spoonbills on Billy's Wash.

Battled our way back in pouring rain and 40 mph gusts to the carpark!

Had a look in Walsey Hills - lovely and sunny now, juv whitethroat, willow warbler singing, family of blue tits, Cettis Warbler singing and a interesting LBJ that dived in the cornfield at the back of Walsey. The paths were very overgrown, but just about got through!

Went back to photograph the flamingoes from Daukes' hide in evening light BUT weather was atrocious. Went to Bishop's Hide where flamingoes were slightly closer. Good views of a marsh harrier tussling with a lapwing, but that was about it. It was like a winter's day, freezing cold, driving rain and severe winds - made it to car and headed home.

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