Saturday 24 July 2010

Didn't really achieve anything much today. Got up very late and had to go into town to pay a bill - bought some half price shoes from Clarks for work and a couple of 'Maxi' dresses (as they are called) from New Look - they are beautiful dresses and I can't remember the last time I bought anything nice, but I don't actually know why I bought them as don't really go out! Dropped a thank you card into the Vets. Did some shopping for my parents in Sainsburys and delivered it late afternoon.

Went to Titchwell RSPB and walked as far as Island Hide - masses of waders, avocets etc in the evening sunshine. Main/public footpath to beach closed as from tomorrow afternoon - see RSPB website or Norfolk thread on I love cruising along the coast road, ended up at Cley and sat and ate my philadelphia and stem ginger sandwiches and fruit salad and then walked to Daukes' hide - a spoonbill flew over, tons of avocets, waders etc and a few marsh harriers. A water vole swam across the pool and the black swan was directly in front of the hide - which of course it would be... being as I left the 300mm lens in the car!!!

Work all day tomorrow.

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