Wednesday 28 July 2010

Fatbirder Malware virus - read link below urgently!

Read this URGENTLY:


Just removed my fatbirder widget from this blog - there is a Malware virus on the fatbirder website that is SERIOUSLY affecting people's computers, seems to be mainly PC's. I note it hasn't affected a Mac yet, but with my new Macbook I am not taking any chances!!!!!

New posting on the above link:

'Fatbirder was attacked by a third party that used its adserver to sneak in some malware... but this has been removed and Google will shortly be asked to review the site and remove their dire warnings... this also effected Birding Top 500... the problem will not re-occur as the backdoor has been plugged with new software... despite what they say Google didn't bother to tell the webmaster about it! Rest assured normal service will shortly be resumed! Fatbirder wishes to thank all those people who let him know about the problem and gave their support against this abuse of the WWW - love the Fatbirders son ;-)

PS This particular malware is widespread and is delivered by the same software that many sites use to carry their Google Ads!'

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