Wednesday 25 August 2010

Moth Day at Titchwell with my parents and Gypsy Lane

Joined my parents for the Titchwell Moth Day at 9.30am.
Mother got cross with me for taking photos (she HATES having her picture taken!). So I didn't dare post a close up picture of them, which is a pity, because I have a lovely one of them sitting on the seat!

RSPB Titchwell Moth Morning. (see RSPB website for dates)
Father, centre - in his shorts (think these shorts are about 50 years old! - only joking!?
Mother is immediately right and just behind him.

Later in morning walked along Gypsy Lane (runs adjacent to Titchwell Reserve) and saw a Green Woodpecker (heard only), 1 Whimbrel, 1 Little Egret, 2 Little Grebes, 1 Common Whitethroat, 1 Green Sandpiper, 1 Grey Plover and 1 Greenshank, oh and tons of greylag geese, mute swans, canada goose and a marsh harrier. On arriving at the beach all I saw were tons of holidaymakers and out of control dogs!

Not a good afternoon, families!!!!!!! Got home at 3.30pm and fell asleep, had an early tea and then started the MASSIVE job of re-sizing, correcting my Bird Fair photos to add to this blog and to Birdforum.

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