Sunday 29 August 2010

Seawatching at Cley!

Short post as shattered.

Arrived Walsey Hills, nothing much doing and went round again later and apart from a couple of lesser whitethroats, nothing else of note.

Had lunch in the visitor centre. Spent time chatting to a lovely couple about islands, Fair isle, Foula, Orkneys etc. Spent the rest of the time seawatching. Also had another look for the Short toed lark to obtain better picture - rather silly to even attempt to look for it in those winds!!!!

Too many holidaymakers about in shorts and light weight tops, they must have been freezing! I had loads of layers on and was still cold!

Seawatching at Cley along with others, produced LOADS of Arctic Skuas, Bonxies, Manx Shearwaters, 1 Grey plover, 1 golden plover, an Arctic Tern, 3 red throated divers, 1 Kittiwake, good numbers of teal and common scoter, 1 guillemot sitting on sea, loads of gannets. It was beautifully sunny for most of the day, with incredible winds, but rain lashed down early evening. It was very difficult to hold the car door. I had a job to stand up in the wind (yep even me). I missed 2 Sooty Shearwaters - one Eddie M. (of course!) picked up and Pat the other. Also a snipe was watched coming in off the sea, which I couldn't pick out either! Some good old banter and humour from Eddie to keep us entertained.

I realised it wasn't safe to drive at my normal speed home, as the wind was rocking the car!

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