Saturday 30 October 2010

A potentially exciting day!!!!

Pink footed Geese, in off the sea.

Little Egret, Burnham Overy Dunes.

Very, very, short post as going out this evening - very rare for me!!!!! (this actually mean't going on a MEGA twitch, not a date!!!) See next post!

Went to Burnham Overy Dunes and walked all around Gun Hill area. Saw a distant view of one of the Rough legged Buzzards. Watched an oversized mistle thrush bomb out of bush near gun hill back across the marsh towards where the buzzards were - it wasn't a mistle thrush - god knows what it was!!!

Almost back to the car - I kindly receive two phone calls about an ALBATROSS sp. that has been seen by Nigel Mears and John fox at Salthouse going west. Raced to car and to Titchwell and stood with John Furse, Eddie Myers and others excitedly waiting, but sadly and very disappointingly no sign, but did see red breasted merganser, gannets, loads of starlings going west and lots of brents coming in.

Plan of the new Hide Complex at Titchwell RSPB
(in the same place as Parrinder hide)


  1. Going out?? Have you found the missing Sugar Daddy then?

  2. No left my house to go on a long distance twiitch!!!

  3. Ah, that'll be the nice drawing prepared by wildlife artist Michael C Wood for architects Haysom Ward Miller -
