Thursday 14 October 2010


After spending hours going through photos last night and into the small hours - updating blog, adding pictures and to other sites I felt about a hundred years old this morning, so snoozed til late.

Arrived Waxham late afternoon and had awesome views of my 2nd RED FLANKED BLUETAIL this week!!!!!! Watched it from 3.45pm until I left at 5.05pm.

As others have said, sit, wait, don't talk or move;) and you will all have stupendous views and pictures. Anyone going to see it with a big lens - don't bother, even with my baby 300mm lens it was too close at times!!! I could have taken it with the iphone on several occasions!!! Magical to watch, and heard it call too! Tim Allwood also there - nice to see you Tim:t: and also the artist I met at Burnham Overy the other day 'Ben Green'. About 10 people there in all and everyone was extremely quiet. Even I hardly spoke!;) The robins were not impressed by this extra pretty robin with its blue tail and chased it about every now and again - one of them wanted to be in the photos shoot too and sat on Tim's bike at one point, but too close for my camera!

Got some cracking photos, BUT I am shattered and now going to sleep as leaving in the dark tomorrow for some more HOT BIRDING!!! Took hundreds of photos, so will go through them and add some tomorrow night.

Thanks for all compliments on my Pallas's Shots - had several PM's and emails, very kind.

PLEASE NOTE: A fellow birder told me on the phone this evening that a group of birders had seen a Red-breasted Flycatcher at Walsey Hills this morning in the Willows at the back (end of the bottom path)!!!!!!!!

Where I sat the next day for hours to get more photos!



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