Friday, 19 November 2010

Have been off work all week with a flue virus. So little energy I could barely muster up enough strength to heat up soup for myself. Temperature, sore throat, cough etc. Have slept most of the time. The worst thing about it all is the loneliness of being by yourself. Its done wonders for my figure though, as have gone off all sweet foods! I have had two bars of chocolate sitting in the draw all week! Watching the video below last night really cheered me up, its absolutely brilliant! Don't think I will be out birding this weekend - might go somewhere local on Sunday just go get some air for a short while. Tons of stuff to write, in preparation for my yearly appraisal next Thursday.

Now watching Children in Need.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you recover soon Penny, flu is an awful thing. We had it a couple of years ago and it wiped us both out for a fortnight. I couldn't eat anything and then when I did start to eat again it had to be tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes!...what's that all about?
