Wednesday 15 December 2010

I don't belieeeevvvveeee it!!!!!!!!!!!

My car failed the MOT - it should have sailed through after all the money and stuff done to it fairly recently, BUT no it didn't!!! I can't even say how much its going to cost, because sensibly I should scrap it - but the problem is how can I, after spending so much money on it recently!!! Catch 22 situation. Sad, glum face!

Went on a course not far from Newmarket today with two other work colleagues - extremely interesting and a scrumptious lunch!!! The drive there in the fog was horrendous though - thank god for the iphone - we were sitting in a stationary queue of traffic on the A142 into Newmarket, which mean't if we stayed there - we would have been seriously late for the course which started at 9am - looked on the 'live' map on phone and turned the car round - whizzed along a back road and ended up arriving at 8.50am!!! We felt quite smug and relieved when we walked into the conference room early!!! Tons of traffic on the return journey this evening.

There are so many birthday lunches, christmas lunches and party lunches this week, I am going to pop if I eat much more!!!

You can tell its that time of year when there's not much about, when the Norfolk thread posts on consist of geese, geese, geese, geese and more geese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Northern Harrier still at Thornham today!!! Hoping to catch up with this again at the weekend and try improve on my naff photos of it, if we are not all snowed in again!!!

See HEAVY SNOW weather forecast for north-west Norfolk tomorrow!!!!!!!

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