Saturday 18 December 2010

Lesley's 60th Birthday Party!


Picked up my car this evening after having more work done on it and re MOT'd.

My work colleague Lesley decided to book a Caleigh Band for her grand celebration. It was held in Wolverton Social Club. Most of my team went and joined in merrily!!! Lesley's grand daughter had made some stunning cakes, decorated beautifully with glitter, stars, hearts, flowers etc and also made the Birthday Cake. There was a fantastic selection of food! I joined in with one dance, but spent most of my time taking videos with the iphone and taking pictures for Lesley with her camera. Gave Sarah a lift home, it was wickedly cold when we left. Some of the other girls went up town, clubbing, but I didn't feel like going, so went home. Had a nice lie in this morning. Freezing cold and severe frost outside, I decided not to go birding. Went up town mid afternoon to do my only small amount of christmas shopping. Found an absolutely top quality faux fur hat with ear flaps in 'Hoopers', the army shop by the bus station in King's Lynn - it far better quality than any other in the fashion shops. As I walked back to the quayside where I had left my car parked - icicles were hanging underneath the back of most of the cars!

Four Videos of Lesley's Party

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