Wednesday 29 December 2010

Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice

You have to watch this now!!!!!!!

On BBC1 8pm until 9pm.

One of the most fascinating natural history documentaries I have EVER seen!!!

"Shot mainly using spy cameras, this film gets closer than ever before to the world's greatest land predator.

Icebergcam, Blizzardcam and Snowballcam are a new generation of covert devices on a mission to explore the Arctic islands of Svalbard in Norway. Backed up by Snowcam and Driftcam, these state-of-the-art camouflaged cameras reveal the extraordinary curiosity and intelligence of the polar bear."


  1. A great programme I really enjoyed it. My best wishes to you Penny for 2011 xx

  2. It certainly was - I could easily watch it again - and I might just do that!

    Ditto - good birding in 2011!

  3. Available on BBC Iplayer here:

    Br, Mike

  4. It was amazing to see how the cameras ended up being broken by the bears.

  5. It certainly was - one of the best documentaries I have seen for a long time!
