Thursday 30 December 2010

Robin Abel is the 2010 Surfbirds Top County Lister!!!

Robin Abel has the biggest County List for Norfolk on Surfbirds for 2010 reaching a target of 278!

Unless something bizzare turns up tomorrow like a Snowy Owl or something, I don't think the list will change by end of tomorrow!

So Congratulations to Robin!!!

Its really hard work doing a serious year list - I would love to do it again, but petrol is too expensive now and I have not got the time. Now if I won the lottery I would absolutely LOVE to do a British List - I would fly round everywhere - what fun it would be to charter planes and boats etc to see any bird you desired at a the drop of a hat!!! Ok I wouldn't want to be a hard core twitcher permanently, but to do that for a year would be massive fun!

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