Wednesday 26 January 2011

I am so excited!!!!!

I have booked two days off work, tomorrow and Friday to go birding etc - well tomorrow anyway, Friday intend to sort out some photographic jobs which are way overdue! Saturday birding and Sunday at work all day.

I have just noticed the Punks have included me in one of their whacky songs/poetry, whatever you want to call it! All I can say is - its a good job I have a sense of humour!!! It was bugging me for ages last night, trying to work out who the 'boyfriends tart problem' was. First thoughts were, I havn't got a boyfriend, what they hell are they going on about? Discussing this with someone else, I realised who they were referring to and where they had got it from! I wrote something on my blog last year in relation to this. Just goes to show, you need to be very very careful what you waffle on about, on a public blog!!! I presume my 'blocker' they refer to is the IVORY GULL! Its all highly amusing, but I do think whichever punk wrote it, needs to book an appointment asap with a psych.!!! (smiley face)

Its called:

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