Sunday 2 January 2011

Lazy Day!

I didn't wake up until 10am which if very unusual for me, but even then I still felt tired, so went back to sleep again and finally rose at 11.30am!!!!!!

I continued doing nothing much, trying to decide what to do. Too late in the day go too far birding. Spur of the moment idea - pick Lucy up and go and visit Vivien in Ely and spend the evening with her. Vivien has been going through hell at work with a pig of a manager who is so awful most people have left - she has complained about him, but nothing gets done! So I spent the afternoon cooking - making Bubble & Squeak, cooking vege sausage rolls etc. Went to Tescos, bought a vanilla cheesecake and some blueberries - picked Lucy up at 4.30pm and arrived Ely around 5.30pm. I feel so ashamed, I have not been to Vivien's for so long I can't remember! Our visit was a surprise and Vivien was really pleased to see us when we turned up at the door. Had a wonderful relaxed evening with my sisters, watched a DVD, cooked dinner and then had stewed blueberries with cheesecake to follow. Left at 10am and got dropped Lucy at home on the way back to mine.

No shifts this weekend/BH, so birding again tomorrow!

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