Saturday 19 February 2011

Rubbish Weather!

Phoned Andy W. this morning just confirm where I knew he would be - as soon as he answered the phone, I knew where he was - could hear lots of others voices all around. Yep he was twitching the THE Oriental Turtle Dove in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire!

If someone had offered me a lift, I might have gone. There is no way I could have afforded/justified the petrol to go by myself. I keep trying to convince myself that I am not a twitcher. But then I did twitch the American Bittern and Green Heron in Cornwall on a day trip!

Had very late breakfast and been doing photography stuff all morning.

Its been pouring with rain all day, no incentive to go out whatsoever, but going to have to go out somewhere for a while locally, as working all day tomorrow and I will lose my mind if am indoors for two weeks!

Sat in the car at Thornham Coal Barn and outside in the rain looking for the Northern Harrier, but no sign in the dull, rainy conditions. Re-located to Brancaster Staithe Harbour where I counted 21 Pied Wagtails.

I am so looking forward to lighter evenings, spring time and walking Blakeney Point!

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