Monday 14 February 2011

Valentines' Day

No different from any other day!!! No Knight in shining armour. No Card. No roses. No chocolates. No. Candlelit dinner for two. No Chanel No.5. No trip to Paris. No Diamonds. No Swaroski telescope!!!!!! Dreaming again!!!

Didn't go to camera club tonight as too busy sorting photos!

Hairdressers tomorrow night - perhaps I should go brown again to save sarcastic, bitchy remarks about bleach in my hair from all and sundry........ funny really because I WAS naturally blonde: Aged one: White blonde. Teens: Golden blonde. Age 27 (married) Mucky brown colour (said alot for my marriage!) 30's: added highlights to revert back to blonde and it worked! Tried 'brown' colour a year or two ago - it doesn't work - it aged me by 10 years - not good! I always fancied having jet back hair and I remember once trying on a beautiful long black wig in a department store in Colchester (where I used to live) and very sadly that didn't work either - skin too pale! So conclusion, stay bleachy blonde - thats me, thats how its going to be! If anyone has a problem with that - TOUGH! If I don't have any highlights, hair will be mucky brown colour mixed with grey strands - who that hell wants that! Life's far too short!!!

DIET — Week Six -
Lost nothing.
Total loss = 6.5lbs.

Note to self:
No will power - this is no good at all Penelope. Try harder!


  1. Ha, ha. You women are always after our big scopes!

  2. Penny, the colour of your hair is of no consequence. Being happy with who you are is what matters.

  3. Blimey, Roses Paris Chocolate, I think a mug of tea and a bacon roll is a bit OTT.

  4. Yeah, well I tried to stand up for you, didn't seem to work but there you go, can't get through to some nutters can you? You're a nice lady that's all that matters, have your hair how you like and sod the nutters. Anyway, they're having a pop at somebody else now....

  5. Nigel - us ladies want romance, not a bacon buttie!!!!!! (definately not in my case, being vegi!) My list was maybe a bit much!!!!!!! Or maybe it wasn't!!!!

  6. Sue - thank you soooo much, very sweet of you.

  7. OK Penny which from the list would you want if you could only have one. My bet is the Swaroski telescope.

  8. You're wrong actually (smiley face)!!!
    If if HAD to be one, it would a 'Knight in Shining Armour'! with a very close second of the Swaroski scope!!!
