Monday 16 May 2011

Great Snipe happy in the Cley Square!

The Great Snipe has been seen again today, both in the morning and evening. This mega bird continues to cause frustration for those that have not seen it yet. But one particular person was ecstatically happy this evening - congratulations!

An 'American Dunlin' was discovered today amongst the 100+ Dunlin that I saw last night from North Hide at Cley!!! The Eagle Owl continues to delight (some) at Hunstanton. Just noticed on RBA that a Great Snipe was seen in County Durham yesterday.

Currently sorting through loads of photos to add to blog, including more Collared Flycatcher and Great Snipe pictures. Busy, busy bee. Work really does get in the way!

Very much looking forward to my two week break starting this Saturday! I had the same two weeks last year on Fair Isle when I missed loads of good birds in Norfolk, including what would have been my second Trumpter Finch, 5 Black Winged Stilts etc etc. I am hoping the same two weeks in Norfolk will turn up Trumps!!! It would probably be cheaper to go abroad though, rather than whizzing round Norfolk for two weeks in my car!!!

More GREAT SNIPE pictures just added to 12th May.

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