Saturday 4 June 2011

Awesome Seawatch at Cley!!!

Common Whitethroat, Kelling Water Meadows.

Had a rubbish night's sleep because of cold and tickly cough.

Bought LADY GAGA'S latest album 'BORN THIS WAY' - brilliant!!!!!

A beautiful sunny day, but a nippy north east wind on the coast!

Started the day at Kelling Water Meadows - lovely family of common whitethroats along the main track. Lots of linnets, a reed bunting, goldfinches, including a massive flock over the rape field. Lots of sand martins going through and one landed on the fence wire for me to photograph! Best bird here was a stonechat just off the left track/branch off, as you reach the pool/scrape. Just before I walked along this track an electrical van squeezed through the brambles and continued along the track to come out at Salthouse - I wonder what they were up to! If they have dumped anything - I have a nice clear picture of the van!

Sand Martin, Kelling Water Meadows.

Linnet, Kelling Water Meadows.

Reed Bunting, Kelling Water Meadows.

Chaffinch, Kelling Water Meadows.

Cley Visitor Centre for jacket potato/salad lunch and had to buy my OWN stem-ginger ice-cream - hmmmm........ (hope you are reading this Mr *!!!)

Kelling Heath - met up with Pete S. here. Photographed a beautiful Tiger Beetle. Good views of a Male Stonechat, a distant Common Buzzard, but not alot else. Pete went home to watch the football.

Tiger Beetle, Kelling Heath.

Steam train, Kelling Heath.

Muckleborough Hill - walked round here thoroughly - only found a few chiffchaffs and whitethroats.

Walsey Hills NOA - very little here, usual chiffchaff, willow warbler, hedge sparrows and chaffinches.

Daukes Hide NWT - M.G. pointed out a pair of Gargeney on Whitwell Scrape - very nice! Sat in the hide with M.G. and Andy J. and after seeing a few gannets go behind North Hide (where Eddie M. was sitting) we decided it would be a good idea to relocate!

Coastguards - the sea was awesome and it was bitterly cold. A continuous passage of Manx Shearwaters (50+), Gannets, Auks, Little Gulls, Med. Gulls, Terns and Fulmars from 7.30pm (ish) to 9pm - with M.G., Andy J. & Eddie M. Every so often I rushed across the shingle in the wind to attempt a few photos - got a few gannets and little gulls on the camera!

Got home 10pm.

Gannets, Cley Coastguards.

Little Gull, Cley Coastguards.

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