Monday 27 June 2011

A New ME!!!! Plus Snippets!!!!!

For the one hundredth time I am dieting again. Enough is enough, I want to wear summer dresses and heels again (not for birding obviously!) - well I might! Have not had any chocolate, cakes, junk food since last week and I AM sticking to it this time.

Got the Hyundai serviced today and they found nothing else wrong - good news!

• Hottest day for five years!!!! "Temperatures rose up to 36c in parts of East Anglia today"

Now have 97 blog followers!!!! Thanks everyone! Only another 56 to go to match LGRE!!!!!!

I am now getting so many emails etc through my blog, I need a PA!!! I will respond to all of them soon - promise!

Re: 'Continental' Black tailed Godwits - whenever I see this message on RBA its usually from M.G. - quite simply because he is one of the few elite Norfolk birders that knows how to ID these correctly. I myself have no idea at all whatsover and nor do many others. Maybe one day I will though!

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