Wednesday 1 June 2011

New Warden at Holme Bird Observatory!

Sophie Barker starts her new post of Warden at Holme Bird Observatory today. Congratulations Sophie!

Who will the new AW be I wonder? Update: we will know in a month.

Update: New AW is Gary Elton!


  1. only just found this page - so sorry had not seen the news about your new role ...

    Brilliant news re the Wardens jobs - both Head and Assistant

    Also great to visit you today - what a fab place
    Looks really good and well organised and set out.

    All the best

    Sal Cooke (and Andrew Lassey) Flamborough Bird Obs

  2. Hi Sal

    Would you like me to email your comment onto Sophie as its unlikely that she will read this on my blog.

    Best Wishes Penny
