Monday 4 July 2011

Golden Ringed Dragonfly in Norfolk?

Studied pictures on the net this evening and I really can't see what else my dragonfly could have been, that I saw yesterday (see Sunday's post).


  1. Penny

    Sorry to read about your car parking episode.
    What awful neighbours you have!
    Hope you're not to upset, and you're right about
    some men being so abusive to women.
    It really does depress me when I read these things happening.
    I know it might not seem like much consolation, but I know for me to be able to go to Sculthorpe on an evening would certainly make me forget such apalling human behaviour.
    Birds, Bees & Butterflies, they never let you down.
    Take care

  2. Thank you very much Malc for your kind words! You are right about Birds, Bees & Butterflies, never letting you down!

  3. Pretty unlikely sighting I would think, nearest sites for these are many many miles away. whilst being quite distinct it could be mistaken for immature southern hawker especially if the light angle was not good etc. Did you get a look at the eyes, if so did they meet at a point on top of the head. Yes there is always a chance of rarities turning up but before we go shouting too much about things we should be sure of what we are saying.

  4. Hi Andy, maybe it is a 'pretty unlikely' sighting, but I was only reporting what I had seen, which is why I had titled my post with a "?" at the end! It appeared much bigger than a southern hawker, be it immature or adult. No I did not see the eyes from the angle/distance I was standing. I was certainly not 'shouting too much' about anything!!! I was merely reporting what I had seen. Better to report something potentially good, rather than keep quiet about it! Pity I was not able to photograph it.
