Thursday 28 July 2011

Evening Birding at Cley!

Water Vole, Cley NWT.

I had to work late on Monday night so was owed some time. Finished work at 3.30pm and was sitting on the shingle at Cley Coastguards by 6pm in glorious sunshine!!! A beautiful evening.

4 Gannets flew east, little terns, common terns, 16 Whimbrel flew west and swallows around the carpark.

Daukes Hide NWT - with Eddie M. and M. G.

On the footbridge I had fantastic views of two Water Voles looking extra cute (see pics). Just before the hide were a family of sedge warblers, 2 greenfinches, goldfinches and a few reed warblers. I could also hear some bearded tits. From the hide: 1 Spotted Redshank 5 Green Sandpipers, 1 juv. Med. Gull, Black tailed Godwits, 4 Spoonbills, possibly another 4 Green Sandpipers, 3 Marsh Harriers, 9 Snipe, 2 Herons and tons of gulls! Avocets, shelducks, redshanks, several Common Terns. Cormorants flew across the hide in setting sun. Mist came down over the marshes and made everything look romantic and beautiful! We could only just see the cows on the marsh as we walked back to the main road!


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