Monday 29 August 2011

Bank Holiday Birding!

Don't get excited – this has got to be one of my shortest birding posts ever!

First of all, most of the day was ruined as had to go to work!

Evening - went to Walsey Hills to find the Red-backed Shrike again, but couldn't find it anywhere. A lone chiffchaff called along the bottom path. From the top of the steps I could see the spray of the rolling waves crashing down onto the shingle beach at Cley. The sea looked exciting. Went seawatching at Coastguards and saw 3 Manx Shearwaters and 1 Gannet!!! Yep, thats it..... then it was dark. I don't like the nights pulling in again already. I can't believe its September on Thursday!

I heard later on that I had missed a MEGA at Cley in the morning - typical!!!! MG, RM etc had seen a YELKOUAN SHEARWATER at Coastguards, early this morning - WOW!!! Congratulations!!!

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