Walsey Hills NOA
After news of pied flycatchers yesterday at Blakeney Point, I hoped to find something equally exciting here. Also heard there was a whinchat and a redstart at BP on Friday too. Along with Eddie M. we found two skulking Lesser Whitethroats in the bramble just right of the feeders. A large bird flew so quickly in the middle of the bramble where the whitethroats were, I didn't see what it was until it errupted out again - a Sparrowhawk, which fortunately for the Lesser Whitethroats was unlucky! There was also at least five Blackcaps around the reserve a single Chiffchaff and 5 Whimbrel flew overhead west. Red Admirals, a peacock, speckled wood, small copper and a gatekeeper also.
NWT Visitor Centre for mid morning indulgence - a shared cheese scone!
Beach Road - Two Wheatears were in the Eye Field at 12.05pm along with linnets and several pied wags. 6 Whimbrel flew west over Little Eye and another 6 also going west over Gramborough Hill a bit later. In the brambles at Gramborough (1.30pm) I get very excited over a very elusive warbler, which eventually turned out to be a Reed Warbler!!!
NWT Visitor Centre for lunch followed by a gooseberry ice-cream (oh dear!). Gooseberry was always my favourite until Stem Ginger appeared on the scene, so today I had gooseberry for a change. The gooseberry was ok but Stem Ginger is most definately still the favourite!
Dauke's Hide NWT
1 Yellow leg Gull on Pat's Pool along with 1 Little Stint, 1 Wood Sandpiper on Simmonds. 2 Egyptian Geese along with loads of greylags and Canada Geese. Good numbers of both ringed and little ringed plovers, several ruff, 7 Spoonbills, 1 Snipe, 1 Green Sandpiper, 3 juv. Pochard, 1 Golden Plover, 2 Common Sandpipers, black tailed Godwits, redshanks, avocets, marsh harriers teal, shelduck, avocets etc.
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