Monday 15 August 2011

A good start to the week.

Weather turning north east on Thursday - I hope it doesn't produce anything too exciting, being as I will be at the Rutland Bird Fair on Friday!!!

An excellent day at work - took a patient home this morning and not only did my team receive a thank you card, but a card was kindly written to each of us, along with a large box of scrumptious chocolates each!!! I have hidden the chocolates in the cupboard and will try very hard to forget about them, until I have reached my goal weight. Lost another 3lbs over the last 2 weeks and only 2lbs to go now to reach the first stone! Its a slow process!!!

Black Kite seen at Strumpshaw Fen this evening.
The White rumped Sandpiper remains at Snettisham RSPB.

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