Friday 26 August 2011

Hot Weekend coming up!!!!

Looking good for the weekend!!!!!!

Feeling alot better today after having two days of anti-biotics! I should have been out socially last night and tonight, but cancelled both to save energy for birding tomorrow!

In Norfolk today:

Red-necked Phalarope on Pat's Pool, Cley along with 3 Black Terns.
Western Bonelli's Warbler (Stuart White) and Greenish Warbler (Simon Chidwick) at Cromer.
juv Red-backed Shrike remains at Holme NWT.
28 Black Terns west through Sheringham!!!

See: for all the latest Norfolk birding gossip/discussion/debates!!!

Also for those of you on facebook see:

Looks good for seawatching in the morning:

High Tide: 5.30am - see here
Sunrise: 5.57am

Have a fab weekend everyone!!!

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