Friday 5 August 2011

Its Friday at last!!!!!!!!

Its been a tough week at work. Not got very far with sorting photos I'm afraid, but working on it!!! All photos will be added by the following weekend at the lastest as I have next Friday, Sat, Sun off, so no excuse! Plus I need to get this sorted before I take my usual celebrity Birdfair photographs, otherwise I will be seriously behind on adding photos to blog!!!

I have been asleep half the evening, dosed up on ibuprofen and paracetemol due to a tonsilitis/throat infection. Not going to let it beat me though!

Out early tomorrow, on an exciting photography expedition!!!

Pectoral Sandpiper on North Scrape, Cley NWT.

White rumped Sandpiper remains at Snettisham RSPB.

Black Kite at Breydon Water.

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