Monday 22 August 2011

Migration hotting up!!!!

Walsey Hills NOA - 8.45am

Beautiful, sunny day. I spent over two hours here, skulking round, hoping to find something good. Found two Garden Warblers, several Blackcaps, Common Whitethroats, 1 bright Willow Warbler and several Chiffchaffs. Walked along the field edge to the corner of North Foreland Wood and watched a young kestrel sitting in a tree.

NWT Visitor Centre - Cheese Scone and a pot of tea!!! I had intended on walking Blakeney Point today, but changed my mind - too hot!!! Excuses, excuses!!!

Gramborough Hill

1 skulky Reed Warbler and 3 juv Stonechats in the brambles and sycamore and 3 Wheatears on the fence wires.

Walsey Hill NOA

Huge increase in bird numbers from this morning. The biggest surprise was a Treecreeper in a hawthorn along the bottom path - can't remember the last time I saw one in here (if at all)! A male bullfinch flying over the bottom willows, several linnets, willow warblers, common and now lesser whitethroats, greenfinches, increased number of chiffchaffs and blackcaps, party of long tailed tits, hedge sparrows, robin, great and blue tits.

Blakeney Point - 6pm!

Crazy idea of mine to start walking Blakeney Point at 6pm but hey ho!!!! Even more crazy Eddie agreed to walk with me!!! With the wind having turned NE at around 4pm I felt lucky! The list of birds seen will take forever to write - here goes: 4 grey partridges, 1 Reed Bunting and 1 Skylark!!!!!!!!! We got as far as Halfway House and walked back with the sun setting - beautiful skies though! At least we tried!!!!!!


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