Tuesday 23 August 2011

Rain and easterlies brings excitement today!

Well - typical really that birds turned up today! At work, some of my colleagues looked mystified when I was cursing the rain today and ranting on about 'why didn't it do this yesterday on my day off'. After explaining why, they understood a little more of my madness!!!

I felt exhausted and ill when I got home, otherwise I would have gone out birding locally to find some goodies.

Birds seen in Norfolk today included:
Icterine Warbler and pied flycatcher at Waxham, Greenish Warbler, 2 Red backed Shrikes and a wryneck at Blakeney Point at Halfway House (typical!), 2 Wrynecks at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse, Wryneck, 8+ Pied flys, Redstart, 5+ Whinchats at East Hills, Hooded Crow, Salthouse, Black Redstart by Daukes Hide NWT, 2 Pied Flys at Holme NOA, Buff breasted Sandpiper reappeared at Titchwell and escaped Flamingo also.

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