Thursday 18 August 2011

Titchwell RSPB this evening for Buff-breasted Sandpiper!

At lunchtime there was nothing on RBA. As I left work tonight and arrived at Tescos to do a mini shop pre Bird Fair tomorrow, I was mortified to read of several good birds via RBA including Buff breasted Sandpiper at Titchwell, Greenish Warbler and Wryneck at Blakeney Point!!!!! I then received a phone call to say that the buff breasted sandpiper was showing down to 1 metre in front of Parrinder Hide. Enough said, I flew home, dumped shopping and sped to Titchwell, arriving and walking along the bank by 6.50pm. Was extremely annoyed to hear that the Buff breasted Sandpiper had not been seen since 5.45pm and flew south towards fields at Choseley. What is even more annoying is that people with pagers and phones (and there must have been a few) are quite happy to go and see birds, but not happy to let others know that birds have not been seen for ages. The 'Buff breasted Sandpiper add till 5.45pm....' message on RBA was from me (when I finally got a signal). Why had no one else bothered!!!!! If I had known, I wouldn't have left the house, as seriously busy with loads of stuff right now, but hey ho!!!! A greenshank landed in front of the hide resulting in a half decent photo. Walked back along the bank in the pouring rain and only just arrived home at 8.40pm. Not a happy bunny!

Video of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper here from Kim and Sue on the Norfolk thread on Birdforum:

Definately going birding tomorrow. Bird Fair will have to wait until Saturday!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Glad I did not set off from Norwich for the buff-breasted at 545pm!
    Had forgotten I saw the species at Titchwell in September 2000
    Need greenish warbler for the Cley Square though
