Seen at 6.53am by Kevin Shepherd, James McCallum, Phil Vines, Giles Dunmore and only a couple of others!
Sadly I have been standing at Cley Coastguards since 6.35am to 10.35am. Obviously gutted I did not go to Sheringham now!!!
Balearic Shearwater at 7.30am going east (RM). Sooty Shearwater at 9.14am going west. 24 Bonxies, 9 Manx Shearwaters, 20 Red throated Divers, tons and tons of Gannets. Pom skua west at 9.23am. 1 Guillemot west, 1 Razorbill, 1 Arxtic Skua, 16 Common Scoter, 2 more Sooty Shearwaters at 9.33am.
BLAKENEY POINT 12.30pm to 8pm
4 Little Egrets, 1 Curlew, 4 Wheatears, 1 Stonechat, 1 Male Redstart, 1 Greenshank. A continuous stream of gannets going east.
Plantation - 3.45pm: 1 Pied Flycatcher (got a fairly good shot), 1 Garden Warbler eating a pussmoth caterpillar. Common Redstart x 2 at 4.30pm.
Lupins - 5pm: 3 Redstarts, 2 Wheatears, 1 Whinchat, starling and linnets.
Long Hills - 6.28pm: Wheatear
The Hood - Wheatear, Meadow Pipit and 1 Whimbrel.
Got back to the carpark at 8pm!!!
Other news: a short eared owl and a black tern from Coastguards in the evening and also a Basking Shark at lunch time east of Coastguards!!!!
You must have been just behind us Penny, we were at the Plantation until about 2pm. Didn't see much at all, just one Ring Ouzel, two Whinchats, a couple of Wheatears and about 15 Grey Partridges, it was dead as anything up till then. Pays to go a bit later obviously. We did however have a nice little tour of Halfway House, courtesy of a friend who's staying there right now. Now I've got aching hip bones after that long walk back....