Saturday 29 October 2011

Friday Night clear out!!!!

There was so little to see today. I didn't even bother writing any sightings into my notebook until the end of the day! The Pallas's Warblers had disappeared and the Daurian Shrike also had done a bunk overnight - so annoying when this bird had been there since last weekend.

Cley Coastguards
A few little gulls, a red throated diver, lapland bunting.

Walsey Hills NOA
Nothing at all of note.

Kelling Water Meadows
Cattle Egret at 10.35am.

Muckleborough Hill
Bullfinch, but little else.

LUNCH - whilst having lunch Pete S. phoned me to say he had had a juv. Sabine's Gull, a Black Guillemet, Grey Phalarope and a Great Northern Diver from Gramborough Hill in 45 minutes - 'the best seawatch I have had' - all I can say is Wow!!!

Coastguards, Cley

Little Gulls and Kittiwakes.

Walsey Hills, NOA

A Brambling was heard, a long tailed tit flock. John F. was the highlight in here!

Warham Roost

Short-eared Owl, 2 Ring tailed Hen Harriers and a Peregrine on the beach.

Very sad news to hear that Jimmy Savile has passed away I remember 'Jim'll Fix It' very well. I vaguely remember sending in a request as a little girl, but can't remember what it was now!

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