Monday 28 November 2011

Semipalmated Sandpiper at Cley!!!

Congratulations to Mark Golley who found the SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPER today at Cley!!

Update - see 1st December post, now ID'd as a WESTERN SANDPIPER.

Didn't even know about this until late this evening as I had my phone switched off all day and had to fly to Barclays at lunch time, when I normally look on the RBA website via my iphone. Its good to see another good bird turning up in Norfolk! Also a Hume's Yellow browed Warbler was caught and rung at Holme Bird Observatory today.

Whilst chatting to my parents this evening and telling them about Mark's find, father told me that he had found the first Semipalmated Sandpiper for Britain and Europe at Cley in July 1953 (19th-24th).

See pictures and discussion about being a possible Western Sandpiper here:

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