Sunday 20 November 2011

A Summer's Day!

This morning was beautiful, sunny and clear blue skies – common darters were seen, bees were buzzing, wasps were sitting on alexander heads, the sun was beaming down and its November!

Holme Marsh Reserve

From the first hide, there was little of note apart from a Pochard, a Heron sitting on the far bank and several Woodpigeons. Lots of blackbirds around this morning and a Song Thrush and Common Darter was seen. 4 Bullfinches were seen in the hawthorns just before the second hide and a Cetti's Warbler burst into song. From the second hide, 2 marsh harriers were seen and distant views of a Bittern flying over the marsh. Met two of my blog readers - nice to meet you both and thanks! Along the public footpath next to the carpark we saw and heard a Water Rail and another Cetti's Warbler.

Titchwell RSPB

Watched and photographed (badly!) the Yellow-browed Warbler in the picnic area as soon as we arrived. Walked around the Fen Trail via the main path. Had wonderful views of both male and female Siskins feeding on catkins at the beginning of the main path. Around the Fen Trail we saw a Cetti's Warbler which I managed to get a photo of (just!) before it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared and also a Common Darter sunning itself on a reed stem. Had a quick hot snack at the Feeding Station and then had to leave by 12.30pm to go to work and had to leave Eddie to carry on birding without me!!!! Torture!

I drove home via Choseley and saw a Marsh Harrier near the barns and about 15 Red-legged Partridges were close to the edge of the road in the field further along the road.

Please see: here and scroll to the bottom of post for 'Udate' on a confirmed Greenland White-fronted Goose that I saw and photographed.

See latest on the Eyebrowed Thrush including a street name now!!/TillSmith and also discussion here on: BIRDFORUM


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