Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve!!!!

After a difficult week, I had a nice snooze in this morning - lovely! I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and doing really boring stuff like ironing and going to Tescos! Had to go into town to go to the bank and decided to buy a few christmas presents. Eddie came over in the afternoon and also delivered my amazing new "Rolser" Shopping Trolley, which I have bought from "Bakers and Larners" of Holt so that I can walk to get my food shopping for the next three months. I wouldn't want to risk locking my cycle up outside Tescos!!! It is the most amazing piece of equipment - its lime green and is really trendy looking, not like the typical, tarten trolley aimed at the older generation (no disrespect to any older people reading!) All Rolser trolleys are 100% Waterproof and it looks very robust. See reviews here

Watched a brilliant film last night called 'The Bourne Identity" - a brilliant action thriller and along with a few measures of brandy (in one glass) and munching on crisps, I at last felt quite chilled!

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