Thursday 29 December 2011

Getting Excited!!!

Cycled to Tescos straight from work last night to get a few bits of shopping and also bought a Kelly Holmes Weighted Gym Ball with all good intentions to get fit. It was a workout in itself to get the thing blown up!!!!! (pump provided in kit) I then discovered that this gym ball is the perfect height and the best EVER foot/leg rest for my sofa - ha ha ha!!!!!!! Obviously what it was intended for really!!!!! I can see it being used more for a luxury foot rest than anything else!

I'm getting excited about January 1st Bird Race - how many birds will I see this time? But this year it will be "We" as in Eddie and I. Now we should see more with two sets of eyes, BUT will Eddie, who will be driving, be as speedy as Penelope Pitstop between ticks? We shall see!!! Hopefully we will beat my last year's race of 87 species!

I am hoping that someone fills up the 'Sandringham Bird Table' with lots of goodies as this is the best place to start the day's list - I usually tick Nuthatch, treecreeper, woodpigeon, jay, hedgesparrow, robin, blackbird, chaffinches, greenfinches, blue/great/coal/marsh tit etc, at this spot!

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