Saturday 31 March 2012

Back to 'normal' March Temperatures!

Couldn't go out early as had to return to the garage this morning and then had errands to do for my parents. It was freezing today, compared to the heatwave we all enjoyed in the week! Strong northerly winds combined with sun and and a few spots of rain!

Titchwell RSPB
I walked to the end of the main path, but turned back just before the seawatching platform as people were walking away with sand covered optics!!! Serious sand storm funnelling straight through the gap between the dunes. Highlights of the day were 1 House Martin over the Titchwell RSPB carpark this afternoon at 3.40pm - also a blackcap singing. A Cettis's Warbler was singing along the main path and several Chiffchaffs were heard. Dipped on 3 Red Kites that flew over west. Photographed a Black-tailed Godwit close to the main path.

Visited the new "One Stop Nature" shop at Burnham Deepdale - see website here:

I bought fish 'n' chips at Wells and ate them in the carpark at Coastguards, Cley - lovely! Sea-watched from 5.45pm to 6.45pm and counted 36 Sandwich Terns going west and 1 Red-necked Grebe sitting close in on the sea. It was bitterly cold standing in the shelter with the north wind belting straight in there!

Sat in the carpark at Walsey Hills watching 3 Marsh Harriers as the sun set.

No diesel in King's Lynn I discovered this evening!!!

I started a thread on birdforum a while back about the late Richard Richardson - someone who has just joined BF, posted a wonderful story about him here:


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