Friday 23 March 2012

Chiffchaff singing at work!

My first singing Chiffchaff at work today when I sat outside for lunch with the girls. Even Jules remembered the song from last year! Will any of them become birders? - you never know! Such a beautiful day - much too warm for March! Also spotted a peacock butterfly and a bumble bee around the copse in front of us and with pink blossom in full bloom on the tree next to where we sat, set against cloudless blue skies, it felt very spring like!

Its been a busy week. Cycled after work on Wednesday to the garage to sign final papers for the new car, flew back to the hairdressers for my three monthly appointment. Also finished weeding and tidying the front garden and laid more shingle between the two strips of slabs, which Sarah very kindly took me to get from Wickes this week.

Collect my new car tomorrow morning!!!!! I feel both excited and also terrified of driving a brand new car! Also looking forward to birding in Cley again - too far to go really on the coastliner bus during the winter months. Clocks go forward this Saturday which will allow twitching in the evenings after work - wahoooooo!!!!!

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