Friday 16 March 2012

Spring Migrants arriving!!!

I have developed a horrible cold today and have just been sipping lemsip - feel awful. I was really looking forward to going birding tomorrow and hope I will feel well enough in the morning to escape into the wilds of Norfolk. I have not been birding for three whole weeks and I have serious withdrawal symptoms!!!

Birds seen in Norfolk today via RBA:
A very lucky person saw 3 Hawfinches drinking from the Fen Hide Pool at RSPB Titchwell today - they then flew west!
Wheatears at Cley, Kelling, Horsey, Burnham Overy Staithe.
2 Sandmartins at Cley
Great Grey Shrikes at Fakenham and Egmere.
Spoonbill at Cley and Titchwell.
Red Kite at Holkham
Rough-legged Buzzard at Burnham Overy Staithe
2 Garganey at North Wootton
Coues's Arctic Redpoll remains at Titchwell

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