Saturday 3 March 2012

Urban Birding!

Its going to be incredibly difficult to make this post sound in the least bit exciting, so I will keep it short!

Today I went on the train with my sister Lucy to visit youngest sister Vivien in Ely. As I walked to the train station I realised that I had not been on a train since I went to Aberdeen on route to Fair Isle in May 2010 - it seems so long ago! Life has been extremely difficult over the past few weeks in all aspects of my life and still is. What I needed today was a long solitary walk - in fact Blakeney Point would have been perfect, had I not pre-arranged a 'family' day that I couldn't really get out of! I am sure you all know what I mean!

After Lucy and I got on the train I was determined to tick some birds off - I have seen short-eared owls and buzzards on this route before, but not today. Best birds seen were several flocks of mute swans on route, starlings, wood pigeons and a few blackbirds. Arriving in Ely the rain decided to make the day even more dismal. There is a small population of Muscovy Ducks in Ely - mentioned on wikipedia and these were dotted around the city, quite contentedly snoozing on the grass verges next to the roadsides. Few house sparrows around and that is about it on the bird front! Its going to be a long week having not been birding properly today!

Been working every Sunday, but will be having a mini break at Easter - pure birding and in my new car!

Sand Martin in Norfolk today - at Titchwell RSPB!
• Northern Bullfinch at Surlingham
• Glossy Ibis x4 at Burgh Castle
• Great Grey Shrike at Santon Warren
• Coues's Arctic Redpoll remains at Titchwell RSPB
• American Wigeon and Great White Egret at Marlingford

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