Sunday 8 April 2012

Migrants trickling in!

Several Ring Ouzels arriving in Norfolk today, which means there will probably be some at NWT Ringstead Downs - they just love this place! Also first sedge warbler at Titchwell RSPB and also at Cley. Great Grey Shrike remains at Northrepps.

I worked all day, so no birding today – apart from what I saw at work! The weather has been dire here – rainy and cold and not a glimmer of sunshine, not even for a minute. Whilst sitting in my car for my break between shifts I spotted what I thought was a chiffchaff – but it just looked different, and yes I know the 'browns' can vary, but it had a shorter tail, more dumpy and a paler throat/breast. I saw this bird for moments only, before it disappeared – typical! Also watched a great spotted woodpecker directly in front of me in the pouring rain.

8th April 2011 – the White-spotted Bluethroat returned to Welney – will it return again this year I wonder!!?

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