Monday 23 April 2012

Norfolk - the new Hollywood!!!

House prices in Norfolk are going to rocket out of all proportion if this trend continues!!!

With Johnny Depp now living just outside Burnham Market and Keira Knightley looking for a home:

Not that I am complaining at all, that there just be a tiny, tiny chance of actually bumping into Johnny Depp on my travels!!! When speaking to one of father's district's nurses at Burnham Market Surgery this week, she informed me that Johnny Depp has already been seen in the high street!!! Some of you are probably thinking.... 'so what' – SO WHAT!!!!!! Johnny Depp as the pirate with bins round his neck would be a perfect vision - what more could a girl want! You may laugh, but he may get into the birding scene and realise its cheaper than doing drugs and much more therapeutic - I'll keep dreaming!!!!!

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