Saturday 14 April 2012

Snettisham Coastal Park for Sale!!!!!!!!!!

Just turned the computer on for 5 minutes for going to sleep - quick look at Birdforum and was horrified to see that someone had posted that Snettisham Coastal Park was sale. This is an absolutely brilliant place for migrants. The only reason I don't go there as much as I would like to is because there is so much dog crap there. Wouldn't it be absolutely perfect if someone bought it as a nature reserve and fenced it all round with no dogs allowed! But I expected it will be bought to stick caravans in - what a sickening thought!

Best bird in Norfolk today was a Black Guillemot sitting on the sea at Titchwell RSPB still early morning only. It had been there yesterday too. In normal circumstances I would have gone to see that last night - I would love to have seen that. Tons of Ring Ouzels around too when I read RBA.

1 comment:

  1. It is a brilliant place for migrants Penny and it used to be one of my ringing sites when I lived in Lynn and Snettisham in the 1980s. Another ringing site I had close by was Snettisham Common. I have no idea what it is like now but I used to ring Nightingales on there. Cheers, Seumus
