Sunday 20 May 2012

Bird News in Norfolk Today!

Pete Snook's Video of the Bee-eater at Cley!!!

ANOTHER Bee-eater
at Cley most of the day (see above)!!!!
Red-backed Shrike at Cromer
Red-backed Shrike at Stiffkey
Red-backed Shrike at Thornham Point
Fem. Bluethroat still this morning by North Hide, Cley
Red-breasted Flycatcher at Warham Greens
Fem. Bluethroat, Quail and a probable Dusky Warbler at Blakeney Point
Savi's Warbler remains at Strumpshaw Fen
Black Kite (possible) at Overstrand

So frustrating to have been at work all day until 9pm – looking forward to tomorrow and the next 2 weeks!!! As I walked from the carpark back to my 2nd shift of the day at 3pm there were hundreds of swifts (mostly) and house martins feeding in the air, quite low – I have never seen that many together! I noticed on the NARVOS site that other people have also seen large numbers of swifts today.

has been found late this evening on a golf course at Bradnor Hill, NE of Kington, Hereford!!!

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